Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Graceville Was Greatville!


Thanks to their amazing librarian Vicky Grimli, and the help of Julie (and son DeAndre) from KDIO Radio, there was an amazing turnout of approximately 100 people.  Folks showed up from alot of the neighboring towns including the Dakotas!

The show went really well, and afterwards, I had an elderly gentleman come up to me and sing Among My Souvenirs to me, and suggest that I add it to the show.  What a beautiful suprise to be serenaded like that!

After the show, and after we were offered wonderful baked goods
which they had to twist our arms to take, (wink wink) we set out to have a late dinner.  Not expecting much to be opened at 9:30 at night in rural MN, you can imagine how delighted we were to stumble upon this amazing Italian Bistro, Bella Cuccina, in Morris MN.
Boy did we ever have a fabulous meal.  Rick said it put him in a meat coma and ended up falling asleep as soon as we got back to the hotel.  I, on the other hand digested my food for a little while, catching up on some late night infomericials!

The next day, we breakfasted in Starbuck MN, home of the world's largest Lefse!!   Not to mention a great breakfast spot:  The Nutcracker Cafe!

All in all it was a great trip.  We felt very grateful that we were able to make an impact on so many people.  Vicky, the librarian said that before the recent funding, this town never would have access to quality jazz concerts.  That is what I call the beauty of  Legacy Funding. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Next Stop Graceville MN

Well Cottage Grove was a wonderful welcoming first stop on the new season of Happy Days!  Rick Carlson, Gary Schulte and Jeff Breuske and I played to a wide span age group which was quite refreshing!!! I really love seeing young boys and girls in the audience enjoying the music.

Also, I had a great chat with Jeanne the librarian about how similar  things are to the Great Depression and how relevant this show is to the current times even though the theme of the show is centered mostly on the 30's & 40's...

Our next stop will be Graceville MN and I am already checking out the history and particulars of the town.  This is really fun for me having not grown up here in MN.  It is all new to me.  I found a great website with some old photos of Graceville:  Vintage Graceville

This Wednesday I will be interviewed by the nearby local radio station out of nearby Ortonville.  I might have to visit the Big Stone County Museum while I am there and check out the Charles Hanson North American Wildlife Collection.  More to come...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bing Crosby sings "Love Is Just Around The Corner"-

Bing sang many Depression era songs alluding to the American Dream.  Thsi song is from the motion picture "Here Is My Heart"and is one of Bing Crosby's many recorded songs of reassurance...